Welcome, friends!

For as dreamy as the freelance life is, I also know how intimidating it can seem. Are your palms sweaty at the thought of setting your rates? Are you trying to navigate the murky waters of accounting and taxes? Are you totally overwhelmed trying to figure out how to even get started with this whole freelancing thing? Deep breaths, my friend. I like to think my blog is packed full with the advice and insights you need to dominate the freelance game. 

You’ve got this. 

the blog

Today I want to talk about something that makes a lot of us uncomfortable: money. Or, more specifically, how easy it is to use money as your sole barometer for success as a freelancer. This is something that’s been top of mind for me recently (and by “recently” I mean for the past couple of years—especially since having […]

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Post updated: October 18, 2020 Can I be totally honest with you? Even typing the phrase “six-figure freelancer” in this headline made me want to spit this vanilla latte all over the coffee shop I’m currently writing in. Why? Well, for starters, it’s not a phrase I ever (I mean, ever) thought I’d use to […]

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Freelancing and Business Tips

Post updated: December 4, 2020 Let’s talk about money. More specifically, let’s talk about the process of setting freelance rates. Groan, right? It’s a sore spot for many freelancers—mostly because it’s undeniably tough. Aim too high, and you’re worried that you’ll send prospective clients running for the hills. But, quote too low, and you feel […]

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Freelancing and Business Tips

Oh, the notorious “feast or famine” plight of the freelancer. When things are good, they’re really good. But, when they’re bad? They’re stomach-churning, nail-biting, where-the-heck-is-my-next-paycheck-coming from bad.

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Today’s post is the best kind: It’s one that was inspired by a question I received from a reader. Here’s a little peek at the general gist of her question:

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Freelancing and Business Tips

Post updated: October 18, 2020 Become a six-figure freelancer! Earn your first $10,000 freelancing! Build your empire as a freelance writer! Become a millionaire in your pajamas! Sound familiar? Yeah, I thought so.

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Freelancing and Business Tips