For as dreamy as the freelance life is, I also know how intimidating it can seem. Are your palms sweaty at the thought of setting your rates? Are you trying to navigate the murky waters of accounting and taxes? Are you totally overwhelmed trying to figure out how to even get started with this whole freelancing thing? Deep breaths, my friend. I like to think my blog is packed full with the advice and insights you need to dominate the freelance game.
You’ve got this.
the blog
Start my freelance business
Find clients and gigs
Refine my freelance business
I have a total thing for social media. In fact, I probably spend way too much time on it. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest — they’re all so much fun. However, since I’ve been doing my own thing and running a business, LinkedIn has quickly become my absolute favorite social network. I think it’s such a […]
Hey there, friends! You know, I don’t think I ever formally announced this, but I recently joined the amazing team over at The Muse as a part-time staff writer. So, just a few days ago, I was working on this piece about old school networking methods and it really got me thinking. There’s no doubt […]