Welcome, friends!

For as dreamy as the freelance life is, I also know how intimidating it can seem. Are your palms sweaty at the thought of setting your rates? Are you trying to navigate the murky waters of accounting and taxes? Are you totally overwhelmed trying to figure out how to even get started with this whole freelancing thing? Deep breaths, my friend. I like to think my blog is packed full with the advice and insights you need to dominate the freelance game. 

You’ve got this. 

the blog

Hey there, friends! You might notice that things look a little a lot different around here. Obviously, my new design has launched! It’s super exciting, but it’s also apparent that there’s some major cleaning up that has to happen. Please bear with me as I work on adjusting graphics, re-categorizing posts and just generally get […]

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Start Freelancing

I’ll be the first to admit it… I’m pretty much risk adverse. I like predictability, stability and routine. I don’t have a great desire to consistently push myself out of my comfort zone. In fact, sometimes I need an entire team of people armed with crowbars to pull me out of my comfort zone. Maybe […]

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Start Freelancing

If you were to ask me what one word I would use to describe running my own business, I would say “learning experience”. Ok, I cheated. That’s two words. I guess I’d also say “exciting”, “rewarding”, “challenging”, “stressful” and “wonderful”. But, above all else, running my own creative business has undoubtedly been a learning experience. […]

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Start Freelancing

By far, one of my least favorite parts of running my own business is making sure that I stay on top of all of my accounting (you know, invoices, expenses, etc.). It really doesn’t matter what sort of business you run… accounting is part of the big picture. Whether you make jewelry or offer graphic […]

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Start Freelancing

It’s hard to believe that it has been over nine months since I left my full-time job in order to freelance. Time flies, I tell ya. Even though I have no doubts or second thoughts about my decision to leave and do my own thing, that doesn’t mean it was an easy decision. As I’ve […]

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Start Freelancing

I’m still a relatively new freelancer, so the questions I actually get asked the most pertain to my old full-time job. Was it hard to leave? Was I scared? How did I know when it was time? So, I figured today was as good of time as any to answer some of those questions. The […]

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Start Freelancing