For as dreamy as the freelance life is, I also know how intimidating it can seem. Are your palms sweaty at the thought of setting your rates? Are you trying to navigate the murky waters of accounting and taxes? Are you totally overwhelmed trying to figure out how to even get started with this whole freelancing thing? Deep breaths, my friend. I like to think my blog is packed full with the advice and insights you need to dominate the freelance game.
You’ve got this.
the blog
Start my freelance business
Find clients and gigs
Refine my freelance business
Oh, the freelance pitch. Love it or hate it, it’s an essential piece of the puzzle when it comes to growing your business as a freelance writer. You absolutely need to know how to pitch effectively.
We’re quickly closing in on a brand new year—a time for all of us to reflect on the past 365 days, set goals for next year, and form plans to chase new challenges. Personally, it’s been a heck of a year. I continued to grow my business, landed some opportunities I’m absolutely thrilled with, and […]
When it comes to getting freelance work and building relationships with potential clients, there’s one tool that’s been particularly helpful to me: LinkedIn.
How do you get your work published on well-known sites? It’s a question nearly every newbie freelancer has. And, trust me, I get it. I spent my early days as a freelancer writing about storage units and assisted living facilities, wondering how those other people managed to pull off such impressive bylines. What was I […]
When I first started out as a freelance writer, I assumed a writing niche was something that was meant for other people—people that weren’t me. After all, I was hustling just to get my business off the ground. I’d write about storage units, assisted living facilities, fish finders, and hair care. If someone was willing […]
Post updated: December 4, 2020 Your freelance website is up and running. You have a few published samples under your belt that you’re eager to share with prospective clients. You’re excited to finally sit down at your brand new workspace and get rolling on some projects and freelance writing jobs. But, there’s only one problem: […]