Welcome, friends!

For as dreamy as the freelance life is, I also know how intimidating it can seem. Are your palms sweaty at the thought of setting your rates? Are you trying to navigate the murky waters of accounting and taxes? Are you totally overwhelmed trying to figure out how to even get started with this whole freelancing thing? Deep breaths, my friend. I like to think my blog is packed full with the advice and insights you need to dominate the freelance game. 

You’ve got this. 

the blog

I’ll be honest—I think I’m a somewhat smart and accomplished person. Yet, when I left my full-time gig in order to start my business and freelance full-time I had one big concern: getting people to take me seriously. It’s not that I didn’t think I was well-spoken. And, I definitely had a certain level of […]

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Start Freelancing

I get a lot of questions from aspiring freelancers. But, one of the questions I’m asked most frequently is, “So, how do I go about actually getting clients?” There’s no doubt that landing your first few clients—especially when you’re just getting started—is definitely one of the trickier parts of starting to freelance. And, unlike what […]

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Freelancing and Business Tips

If you’ve been hanging around here for a while, you already know I’ve got a big spot in my heart reserved for LinkedIn. It has helped me connect with so many people and even land projects and consistent clients. But, I’ve already talked about how amazing I think LinkedIn is for freelancers and business owners. […]

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Freelancing and Business Tips

Do you guys ever feel like your inbox is trying to suffocate you? That’s pretty much me on a daily basis. As someone with five different email addresses (yes, I said five), it’s an accomplishment if I can go two minutes without my phone buzzing with an email notification. And, while it’s definitely gotten harder […]

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Refine Your Freelance Business

I think we all know by now that I majorly struggle with adjusting to reality after returning home from an extended break—I like to think we all do. But, I’m trying to get better, I promise. Anyway, coming back to work after my holiday break has been no exception. As I’m sure you could tell […]

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Refine Your Freelance Business

I’m afraid I don’t have any real or valuable advice to offer you today—I feel like my brain is on Christmas vacation already. So, you’ll have to bear with me through a rambling and probably nonsensical post for a hot minute. A lot of advice you see about time management and productivity says you need […]

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Refine Your Freelance Business